• representatives:
    Dr. Vrazic, Hrvoje 
  • deputies:

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ASMA asbl
Association scientifique de médecine d’assurance

  • representative: Dr. Jean-Pierre Baron Schenkelaars
  • deputy:

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WVV vzw
Wetenschappelijke vereniging voor verzekeringsgeneeskunde

  • representative: Dr. Jean-Pierre Bronckaers
  • deputy: Prof. Dr. Marc Dubois

The Flemish Scientific Association for Insurance Medicine (WVV) aims to provide a forum for Flemish insurance physicians, but at the same time to be open to all other disciplines involved in the policy and implementation of social and private insurance.


Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

  • representative:
    – MUDr. JUDr. Helena Štaňková
  • deputy: –

 The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA) is responsible for social policy (e.g. people with disabilities, social services, social benefits, family policy), social security (e.g. pensions, sickness insurance), employment (e.g. labour market, employment support), labour legislation, occupational safety and health, equal opportunities of women and men, European Social Fund and other social or labour related issues.


Czech Social Security Administration

  • representative:
    – MUDr. Ludmila Hejnalová Šulcová
  • deputy: –



Eesti Töötukassa

Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund

  • representatives:
    – Moonika Viigimäe, MD, PhD
  • deputies:

 The Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund (the Estonian PES) is a quasi-governmental organisation and a legal entity in public law. It performs its activities independently of the government in the framework of its mission and its operational rules defined by law. The highest body of EUIF is the tripartite Supervisory Board with equal representation from trade unions, employers’ organisations and the government. The Supervisory Board is responsible for approving the EUIF’s annual Action Plans, preparing the Employment Programme and setting out the objectives and targets. It also decides on the budget and monitors performance. The daily management of EUIF is the responsibility of the Management Board composed of four members.The mission of the EUIF is to help jobseekers find a job and employers find suitable employees. The PES’s strategic goals are to: a) reduce unemployment and minimise the duration of unemployment; b) prevent unemployment and support employment c) increase the labour market supply; d) develop the Unemployment Insurance Fund as a centre of competence.


KELA Kansaneläkelaitos

The social insurance institution of Finland

  • representative:
    – Janne Leinonen M.D.
  • deputy: –

Kela, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, has a key role in implementing the Finnish social security system. Social security narrows income disparities among families and individuals and guarantees everyone an adequate standard of living.

Suomen vakuutuslääkärien yhdistys

Finnish Association of Insurance Doctors

  • representative:
    – Marjo Parkkila-Harju M.D.
  • deputy: –

Association of Finnish Insurance Medicine Doctors was founded in 1943. The main aims of the association are to improve insurance medicine knowledge among Finnish doctors,  to improve education of insurance medicine and to improve collaboration between those who are working in the field of insurance medicine.


Union Française de Médecine d’ Assurances et de Sécurité Sociales

  • representatives:
    Dr. Sophie RUGGIERI
    Dr. François Latil
  • deputies:
    Dr Omar TARSISSI

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  • representatives:
    Dr. Stefan GRONEMEYET,
    Dr. Kerstin HAID
  • deputies:
    Dr. Klaus-Peter THIELE
    Dr. Hans-Werner PFEIFER

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  • representatives:
  • deputies:

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  • representatives:
    Dr; Di Luca, Allessandro
  • deputies:

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Norsk trygdemedisinsk forening

Norwegian Medical Association for Social Insurance Medicine

  • representatives:
    Dr. Karen WALSETH HARA
    Dr. Ingvild DAMSKOG
  • deputies:

NTMF is a knowledge-promoting professional organization for physicians practicing and/or interested in social insurance medicine. We want to promote a scientifically based professional practice and aim to support our members in various ways in the practice of the profession. NTMF is a part of The Norwegain Medical Association.


  • representatives:
  • deputies:

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  • representatives:
  • deputies:

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Associação de Medicina na Segurança Social e Seguros de Portugal

Medicine in Social Security and Assurance Association of Portugal

  • representatives:
    – Margalho Carrilho M.D.
    Anabela Alves M.D.
  • deputies:
    – Moisés Henriques M.D.
    – Fábio de Sousa Silva Nunes M.D. 

in partnership with Faculty of Health Sciences and nurses school – Portuguese Catholic University we are in 4 th Edition of  ( public website) «  PETER DONCEEL Post- graduate Course in Social Assurance Medicine – Medical Expertise in Social Security »


  • representatives:
    Dr. Corina OANCEA Corina
    Dr. Despina GHERMAN
  • deputies:

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Republički fond za penzijsko i invalidsko osiguranje

Republic Fund for Pension and Disability Insurance

  • representatives:
    – Dr Jelena Jovović
    Dr Maja Domazet
  • deputies: –

Within the Republican Fund for Pension and Disability Insurance, the Department for Medical Expertise functions, which ensures the uniform application of criteria for the assessment of working capacity, ensures the up-to-dateness of expert work in the Fund’s area, carries out expertise on working capacity, physical impairment, the need for care and assistance and other facts of importance for the rights from pension and disability insurance, performs expertise according to international contracts, performs functional diagnostics and other tasks.


  • representatives:
    Dr. Šapijevský, Dávid 
  • deputies:

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Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije

Health Insurance Institute of Sloveni – HIIS

Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije (ZZZS)
In English: Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (HIIS)

Association scientifique de médecine d’assurance

  • representative: Dr. Jana MRAK
  • deputy:

The Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (i.e. Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije) conducts its business as a public institute, bound by statute to provide compulsory health insurance and compulsory insurance for long-term care.
It’s principal task is to provide effective collection and distribution of public funds, in order to ensure the insured persons quality rights arising from the said funds. The benefits basket arising from compulsory health insurance, comprise the rights to health care services and rights to several financial benefits.


  • representative:
  • deputy:


Läkarförbundets förening för Försäkringsmedicin

Swedish Physicians Association of Insurance Medicine

  • representatives:
    Gert Lindenger M.D.
    Lars Goyeryd M.D.
  • deputies: –

LFFM is a knowledge-promoting professional organization for insurance physicians. We want to promote a scientifically based professional practice and aim to support our members in various ways in the practice of the profession. LFFM is a part of The Swedish Medical Association.




  • representatives:
    Prof. Dr. Regina KUNZ
    Dr. Andreas KLIPSTEIN
  • deputies:

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  • representatives:
    Dr. de Wind, Annette
  • deputies: –



  • representatives:
    Dr. Pliva, Petr 
  • deputies: –

GAV is r.

United Kingdom (UK)

The Department for Work and Pensions

  • representatives:
    – Dr Charmian Møller-Olsen
  • deputies: –

DWP is responsible for welfare, pensions and child maintenance policy. As the UK’s biggest public service department it administers the State Pension and a range of working age, disability and ill health benefits to around 20 million claimants and customers.