Internal regulations

Internal regulations in pdf


EUMASS-UEMASS is the European Union of Medicine in Assurance and Social Security. EUMASS-UEMASS therefore considers applications from professional medical associations and where these do not exist, from organisations representing physicians working in field of insurance medicine, from European countries.

The applying association must :

  •  Identify their major fields of interest in becoming a member
  •  Provide insight into the nature and structure of their association
  •  Subscribe to the objectives of EUMASS-UEMASS

The application letter must:

  •  Be sent to the President of EUMASS-UEMASS
  •  Should (also) be signed by the President or chair of the association or a representative with sufficient authority of the applying organisation

The future representative(s) of the applying association and his/her deputy must be medical doctors.
All applications are reviewed by the Executive Board and then passed on to the Council that takes the final decision by a vote.
A candidate member who is accepted by the Council to become a member must be observer for a period of maximum one year after the decision of the Council.

Obligations of membership:

  •  To comply with the EUMASS-UEMASS Statutes
  •  Payment of the annual membership fee
  •  A representative/deputy must attend at least one Council meeting per year
  •  Not discredit EUMASS-UEMASS


Exclusion of a member or observer requires the following conditions:

1. Meeting of the Council where all members must be convened;

2. Mention on the agenda of the Council of the proposed exclusion with, at least briefly, the reason for this proposal;

3. The rights of the defence, that is to say, the hearing of the member whose exclusion is requested, if it wishes;

4. The decision of the Council shall be passed by a majority of two thirds of votes of the members.


The membership fee is due per country.  If there are more than one member associations per country the total national membership fee can be split


The Scientific Committee shal develop the scientific field of insurance medicine throughout Europe.
The Scientific Committee advises EUMASS-UEMASS in all matters concerning research and science in insurance medicine, both on request and on its own initiative.

The Scientific Committee is responsible for establishing the scientific program in upcoming Congresses.
Hearing the Council and the Organising Committee, the Scientific Committee establishes a congress program and proposes plenary speakers and moderators. The program is decided on by the Council with approval of the Organising Committee.

All speakers and moderators are invited by a formal letter, signed by the chair of the Scientific Committee on behalf of EUMASS and the Vice-President on behalf of the Organising Committee.

The Scientific Committee:

  • Sets criteria for abstracts for parallel sessions and posters
  • Reviews and decides on submitted abstracts
  • Decides on themes for parallel sessions
  • Allocates abstracts to parallel sessions
  • Suggests qualified chairpersons for parallel sessions

In accordance with Article 20 of the Statutes:

  • Adjunct members can be appointed any time.
  • On request, the Organising Committee of the country organising the upcoming Congress, can appoint one adjunct member.

The Scientific Committee shall cooperate with the Executive Board and the Organising Committee of the hosting country of the upcoming congress.

  • A joint meeting of the Scientific Committee, Organising Committee and the Executive where the draft program (content suggestions, logistic aspects and various other perspectives) can be discussed one year or longer prior to the Congress at the venue of the Congress is useful and hence necessary.
  • Executive Board and Scientific Committee meet at every Council meeting, in order to keep one another updated.

The Vice-President, as coordinator, can attend, as an observer, the meetings of the Scientific Committee.

Other tasks of the scientific committee:

  • Assess the scientific articles that will be published on the EUMASS-UEMASS-website
  • Other insurance medicine related subjects.

Requests (for research) coming in through the secretariat should be forwarded to the Scientific Committee.


The actual organisation shall proceed according to a scenario, including a time schedule:

At the start of the cooperation between EUMASS-UEMASS and the organising country, when accepting a country for hosting the upcoming Congress, there must be a letter of intent, in which is indicated that EUMASS-UEMASS and the hosting country are partners in the organisation of the upcoming Congress.
The Executive Board shall organise a kick-off meeting, preferably three years prior to the Congress with the Executive, Scientific Committee and Organising Committee to exchange respective expectations and relevant experience.
At the kick-off meeting the scenario, according to which the actual organisation shall proceed, has to be available.
The scenario shall ensure a financial sound Congress, as cheap as possible, reckoning with the different interests and the social program.
The Vice-President is the coordinator between the Scientific Committee, Organising Committee and the Executive Board. The Vice-President reports about the Congress organization to the Council.


  • Organising Committee: local interest and financial responsibility. The Organising Committee to be appointed by the local organiser

The total Congress design (structure, themes, etc) must be approved by the Council.

EUMASS-UEMASS applies for European accreditation for its Congresses.