Prague 2024
Digitisation of sickness insurance benefits
Mgr. František Boháček, General Director of the Czech Social Security Administration
Institute for Medical Assessment (IPSZ) – a new institution
PhDr. Karolína Rumlová, MBA, MCS, IMA Director
Experience with expert paramedics in the assessment process
MUDr. Ludmila Šulcová-Hejnalová, MBA., LL.M., IMA, Director of Methodology and Training Division
Education in Assessment Medicine in the Czech Republic
MUDr. Jan Boháč, Head of the Department of Assessment Medicine, Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education
National Social Information System
RNDr. Jiří Jarkovský, PhD., Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic
Düsseldorf 2023
The German Health Care System and the Role of the Medical Advisory Service – Dr. Kerstin
Long term care assessment Germany – Dr. Kerstin Haid
Digital health applications – an evidence-based- approach? – Dr. med. Michaela Eikermann
SPRINT STUDY Potentials and limits of the video-based care need assessment – Nadine Schempp
Trondheim 2022
Foundations for social insurance medical professionalism – both clinically and in the administration Hans Magnus Solli MD, PhD
Social insurance medicine and the challenge of bringing together research, teaching and the field of practice
Babak Farshchian, Associate Professor, NTNU
Karen Walseth Hara, Associate Professor, NTNU & Coordinating Medical Advisor NAV
A tour of the Norwegian welfare and benefits system on sickness and health
Ulf Andersen, Head of Statistics NAV
Health In Work Stian Kersenboom Johnsen
Soscal insurance system in Norway – and the role of physicians
Marit Hermansen, Chief medical officer
Brussels 2020
Use of cancer registration in quality indicators of surgical procedures
Dr. Liesbeth Van Eycken, Belgian Cancer Registry
Chronic Pain and Return To Work
Dr Decuman Saskia, Centre of Knowledge work incapacity NIHDI
Dr Vander Plaetse Maaiken, coordinator multidisciplinary pain center Virga Jessa Hasselt
Artificial Intelligence and impact on the world of care: a vision
Dr. Philippe Coucke, CHU Liège
Paris 2019
Value of insurance claim data for risk management in mental health Ayden TAJAHMADY, médecin-directeur-adjoint à la Direction de la stratégie, des études et des statistiques de la Cnam. Diplômé de la London School of economics.
Return To Work after breast cancer : the CANTO survey ; preliminary results from the ASCO Agnès DUMAS, sociologue – ECEVE-INSERM – Univ. Paris-Diderot
Work disability prevention in France; organisational and political challenges Jean-Baptiste FASSIER, médecin – Hospices Civils de Lyon, univ. Claude Bernard Lyon 1
The reproducibility of psychiatric evaluations of work disability Regina KUNZ, médecin, diplômée de l’académie de médecine d’assurance de l’Université de Bâle, Suisse
Brussels 2019
INTERRAI, network to improve car for persons who are disabled or medically complex, A. Declercq
New Belgian studies on Work Incapacity , S. Decuman
Structural Reform Support Program (SRSS) Task delegation, S. Brage , A. de Wind , F. Latil , JP Schenkelaars
Maastricht 2018
Medical Advisory Services in the German Social Health Insurance , Stefan Gronemeyer
Reykjavik 2018
The legal environment for disability support in Iceland , Dögg Pálsdóttir
Phycisian’s role in disability evaluation in Iceland , Kristinn Tómasson
Challenges in the social security system in Iceland , Ólafur Ó. Guðmundsson
Work Integration. Supply and demand , Jónína Waagfjörð
New ICF based information system for vocational rehabilitation and assesment , Hans Jakob Beck
Hasselt 2018
The WD-FAB: Development and Validation Testing , Leighton Chan
European Commission Structural Reform Support Service , Marc Vothknecht
Multidisciplinary assessment of disability. Discussions and bottlenecks in the Belgian context , Jean-Pierre Schenkelaars and Rik Loenders
Task support – delegation – shifting , Annette de Wind
Helsinki 2017
KELA-SII. Supporting through times of change Ilona Autti-Rämö
Who is on sick leave in Finland? Differences between population groups and regions Jenni Blomgren
How to support work ability-results from an national study Katariina Hinkka
ELO. From Work Ability Promotion to Work Disability Prevention Kari-Pekka Martimo
Liège 2017
Incapacity and re-integration in Belgium: navigating between scientific and economic influences , Ph. Mairiaux
Testing of WD-FAB , S. Brage and S. Decuman
Warsaw 2016
Neurobiological perspective of communication. SCARF: a brain-based model for collaborating with and influencing others Paulina Barnas
Electronic e-sick leave certificates (e-ZLA) in Poland Grazyna Hart
On the ethical significance of good medical communication T.J. Pasierski
Inefficiency of currently used assessment methodology in MTPL insurance in Poland – insurer’s, injured person’s, and juridiciary’s perspective K. Grzylinski
Importance of improving interpersonal communication skills of medical personnel in minimizing medical liability claims P. Daniluk
Fundamentels of HBT Index system, its functionalities and possible applications in different types of personal insurance J. Berent – A. Smedra
Minisymposium International Lectures in insurance medicine Brussels 2016: Big data
Machine learning on Belgian health expenditure data: data-driven screening for type 2 diabetes M.Claesen and F. De Smet (B)
The SRS risk factor project: preliminary study, results and plans for 2016 Anne Snis (S)
Minisymposium International Lectures in insurance medicine Brussels 2015
Presenting CPME to EUMASS (B. Beger, SG CPME)
The Presidents Presentation of EUMASS and Insurance Medicine and International Cooperation (Dr. G. Lindenger)
ICF in Iceland (Å.-D. Konráðsdóttir)
EUMASS ICF Working Group (Dr. S. Brage)
Visit to the European Commission Brussels 2014
The role of the EC Tamsin Rose
Directive on patients’rights in cross-border healthcare
Social Security Coordination M. Matyja
Minisymposium International Lectures in insurance medicine Brussels 2013
Transborder patients F. Terwey
Academisation of Insurance Medicine H. Wind
Place and train S. Brage
Minisymposium International Lectures in insurance medicine Leuven 2012
Fear avoidance belief and chronic disability J. Vlaeyen
The Sherbrooke disability prevention model P Mairiaux
Occupational and Environmental Lung Diseases: an update B. Nemery
The ICF and evaluation of work disability in social insurance W. de Boer
Minisymposium International Lectures in insurance medicine Leuven 2011
Quality of Evidence and Grades of Recommendations in guidelines. A role for insurance medicine? R. Kunz
Structured functional assessments in general practice. A cluster randomised controlled trial – N. Osteras
Minisymposium International Lectures in insurance medicine Leuven 2010
Rehabilitation and cognitive impairment after head injury: getting people with head injuries back to work – D. Henderson Slater
The concept of work ability – L. Nordenfelt
Minisymposium on Sickness Certification Leuven 2009 :
The Sickness Certification Consultation in General Practice – D. Cohen
Sickness- Absence Research – K. Alexanderson
EUMASS – AADEP : 8-9 September 2005 London: International conference on disability, participation and the workplace :
Alexanderson (Institut Karolinska Stockholm) Investigation en vue d’identifier les facteurs qui favorisent les arrêts-maladies prolongés
G.Anderson (USA – President AADEP) Nouveaux concepts en reclassement et réadaptation
Brage (Oslo) Evaluations fonctionelles – responsabilités de l’assurance
De Boer (TNO – NVVG the Netherlands) Une compréhension commune de l’évaluation de l’invalidité
Haralson Le paradigme “pert” pour les lumbalgies
Puppinck (France) Le Régime Spécial de Sécurité Sociale à l’Electricité de France, Gaz de France
G.Waddell (UK) Concepts de réclassement pur les problèmes de Santé courants
N.Williams (UK) L’enseignement médical au royaume-uni: des occasions de changement
de Wind (The Netherlands) Le systéme néerlandais de sécurité sociale – la recherche du retour au travail