17-19 September 2026

AI’s Role in Defining the Future of Social Security and Assessment of Work
Brussels (on invitation)+ virtual
In recent years, the sphere of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has catapulted to the forefront of innovation, presenting a myriad of opportunities and equally significant challenges.
On the 6th of March 2024, we will be looking at the opportunities that AI offers in the social security landscape at our conference “ Shaping Tomorrow: AI in Social Security and Work Capacity Assessment” thanks to the rich legacy and expertise of the European Union of Medicine in Assurance and Social Security (EUMASS).
With the support of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, through this conference, EUMASS aims to foster discussions that envision AI as a transformative tool in the health sector, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of work capacity assessments and promoting a healthier, more inclusive labour market.
- FINAL PROGRAMME V 1 March 2024
We look back on a successful congress in Strasbourg, organised jointly by our members UFMASS (FR) and ASMA (BE).
Nearly 600 participants from 35 countries attended the plenary sessions, workshops and parallel sessions over 3 days, with 13 keynote speakers, 32 parallel sessions, 97 oral presentations and 49 posters.
and we look forward to the next – 25th! -EUMASS Congress in 2026.
More information will follow soon.
In 2022, EUMASS celebrates its 50th anniversary in a festive way, followed by a jubilee congress in 2023 in Strasbourg.
In fact, on 17 March 1972 in Orléans, France, at a meeting of French medical officers, the French medical director, Dr Claude Persignan, and a Belgian observer, Dr René Rénard, discussed the idea of an organisation of medical officers from the countries of the then common market (European Economic Community (EEC): Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany) to promote scientific and social exchanges between the Member States. The idea of EUMASS was born and met with an enthusiastic response from doctors specialising in social insurance. In 1972, a dozen or so colleagues from the six countries set up the first UEMASS Council in Leuven (BE).

It is with great sadness that we learned of Professor Sir Mansel Aylward’s passing on 29th May.
He was a visionary in health and social care innovation whose contributions have profoundly shaped our field of insurance medicine.
His unwavering commitment to the integration of health and social care and his focus on rehabilitation, re-skilling, and support for people with disabilities have laid the foundation for continued progress in these crucial areas.
Erudite, friendly and above all inspiring, he was a welcome guest at EUMASS meetings and, with his expertise, a key speaker at our congresses. It has been a privilege to have known him.
He will be missed, but he will live on in our daily work throughout Europe.
Our thoughts are with his family and friends.
Dr J.-P. Bon Schenkelaars, President Dr A. de Wind, Secretary General
*** The new Executive Board and Scientific Committee were installed in the General Assembly of Strasbourg on Septembre 30, 2023
*** The 7th International Congress of Medical assessors in Slovenia, which took place from 11-12th of April 2024 at the Congress Center Thermana Laško in Laško, Slovenia, has been a wonderful success!
With over 500 participants over the span of two days from 12 European countries and Mexico, 56 renowned speakers from 6 European countries, the event truly brought together expertise from different medical fields, such as medical assessors, insurance medicine, rehabilitation medicine and the professional discipline of mental and behavioural disorders.
Conclusions from the Congress will enable further debate and research of specific features of health insurance policies in the context of reduced work capacity, examples of good practice in legislative interventions to tackle the growing problem of health absenteeism in Slovenia and elsewhere, as well as medical supervision of payments for health care services.
Collection of Lectures is available at www.7mkmis.com .
We look forward to the next edition of this thrilling Congress.
*** L’ALASS (Association latine pour l’analyse des systèmes de santé) et le GISEH (Gestion et ingénierie des systèmes hospitaliers) organisent leur premier congrès conjoint à Liège du 4 au 6 juillet 2024, avec pour thème principal : Ensemble! les enjeux du travail en réseau dans le domaine de la santé
Congress in French – call of abstracts till 15 March2024
EUMASS: what do we stand for?
A word of our President:
In Europe, about 500 million people are covered by social insurance schemes for health care, disability or incapacity that are financed or agreed by society as collective social security. Decisions on entitlement to social benefits are usually based on medical assessments which, in turn, must be based on scientific knowledge, insurance medicine expertise and an inclusive society where social security and social protection enable every citizen to take part in social life in its various forms, to be an actor in his or her own personal development, and to participate in that of his or her relatives and society as a whole, irrespective of any limitations in all areas of private, public or professional life[i] . EUMASS is therefore a European federation of national associations or organisations of doctors involved in insurance and social security medicine in their country. … READ MORE