congres Padova 2012

Thursday 14.6.2012


Population and Work Force Challenges in Europe (Niels Ploug)
Sustainability of public healthcare systems (Vincenzo Rebba)
From disability to ability: the main challenges and the way ahead (Shruti Singh)
Return-to work and prevention of work disability: from clinic to workplace (Johannes R. Anema)

PARALLEL SESSION : ICF and assessment taxonomy and methodology Chairs: W. de Boer, C. Scorretti

ICF and evaluation of work disability in social insurance (Wout De Boer)
Validation of the EUMASS core set in social insurance (Jessica Anner)
Testing ICF core set for long term disability evaluation in Italian social security (Anna Laura Carducci)
Using ICF in assessing work capacity (own work): experimental study on video terminal workers (Cristina Dal Pozzo)
Can the content of medical work capacity evaluations of chronic pain be captured by ICF Core Sets? (Urban Schwegler)

PARALLEL SESSION : The role of technical aids in promoting participation Chairs: D. Dhollander, A.G. Cutti

The role of technical aids in promoting participation: a case study considering the prosthetic field (Andrea Giovanni Cutti)
The role of technical aid in the work capacity rehabilitation of the insured people with locomotor disabilities Doina Lacramioara Tudorache
The appropriate prescription of technical aids: comparison of the results of the IPPA scale and ICF ssessment (Giuseppe Alì)
Experiences of Robotics and Domotics in rehabilitation Angelo Davalli
The prostheses for sports: the experience of INAIL Centro Protesi  Enrico Boccafogli

PARALLEL SESSION : Assessment procedures in social security Chairs: A.E. de Wind, A. Comacchio

A clinically integrated postgraduate EBM training program improves disability evaluation, a clusterrandomized trial Rob Kok
The effectiveness of compensation system for mesotheliomas due to occupational exposure to asbestos in Italy Enzo Merler
The daily practice of guidelines by insurance physicians in disability evaluation procedures Bart Jan Oosterink
The inter doctor variation of work (dis)ability assessments by Dutch physicians Herman Kroneman
Patients’ expectations regarding the outcome of their application for a disability benefit Haije Wind
Does an exclusion of incapacity benefits ‘work’? Viviane Van Elshocht and Roel Lambrechts

PARALLEL SESSION : Sickness absence management Chairs: M. Gouëllo, C. Ottaviani

The management of sickness absence in Italy Lia De Zorzi
Rapid return to work for persons on long-term sick leave due to musculoskeletal and common mental disorders. A controlled study Dag Brekke
Is professional sickness certification necessary in handling sickness absence? Nils Fleten
Use and usefulness of guidelines for sickness certification: a national survey to Swedish general practitioners Ylva Skånér
Mobile medical apps that empower the medical profession to facilitate early return-to-work Phil Denniston and Patricia Whelan
Sick leave assessment in Germany Joan E. Panke

PARALLEL SESSION : Scientific basis for social security Chairs: K. Alexanderson

A pilot study on the use of fMRI for the evaluation of suspected cases of occupational stress-related disease Enrico Pira
Risk premature death among sickness absentees; a nationwide population-based prospective cohort study Kristina Alexanderson
Undertreatment of DSM-IV mental disorders diagno-sed with the CIDI among Dutch disability claimants Bert Cornelius
Network and open database (TOIMIA) to improve measurement and assessment of functional capacity in Finland Ari Kaukiainen
A proposal for a European work-related disability data base on mental disorders Federico Cattani
Instruments to assess functional limitations in claimants: a systematic review Jerry Spanjer

PARALLEL SESSION : Good practices in disability prevention Chairs: M. Medgyaszai, A. Giustini

Good practices in disability prevention Alessandro Giustini
Long term outcome of lumbar fusion among workers compensation subjects David Randolph
Work disability in Romanian patients with systemic sclerosis Corina Oancea
INAIL: not only insurance but an integrated system for the worker. The paralympic RUGBY TEAM as an example of best practice in SOCIAL reintegration Andrea Manzoni

Friday 15.6.2012

PLENARY SESSION Chairs: F. Falez, C. Ottaviani
Big data, cloud computing, data mining: opportunities and challenges for healthcare Rémi Bastide
Age management at workplaces and in societies in ageing Europe Anneli Leppänen
Economic challenges in social insurance systems Nicola Sartor
Evidence base for the development and evaluation of an assessment of work capability for a social security benefit Sir Mansel Aylward CB

PARALLEL SESSION : European Roadmap for the future: experiences from the SHARE Project Chairs: P. Stidolph, C. Dal Pozzo

Why do so many Europeans want to retire as soon as possible? Guglielmo Weber
Books are forever: early life conditions, education and lifetime income Giorgio Brunello
Maternity and labour market outcome: short and long term effect Elisabetta Trevisan
Invalidity: rationalization or harmonization? Marco Bottazzi

PARALLEL SESSION : Disability assessment in the practice of social security I Chairs: G. Lindenger, L. Polo

Proposing an uniform criteria for the assessment of disability Gian-Aristide Norelli
Development of methods to assess work capacity – a summary Jan Larsson
Most relevant factors in the assessment of work ability of employees on long term sick leave Patricia Dekkers-Sánchez
The use of ICF in relation to the Icelandic new rehabilitation scheme Ása Dóra Konrá sdóttir
Development of an ICF-platform in Flanders (Belgium): current situation and future perspectives Saskia Decuman

PARALLEL SESSION : Work participation among persons with severe disease or injury Chairs: B. Donker-Cools, P. Boldrini

The prognosis of chronic liver disease in invalidity evaluation Maria Marina Tanasie
The disability and quality of life in chronic viral hepatitis in Romania Roxana Elena Mirica
Work status and work (dis)ability in End-Stage Renal Disease patients: empirical evidence and development of a guideline for social insurance physicians Sijrike van der Mei
The most important factors for work participation in the young disabled, an experts view Thea Achterberg
Multidisciplinary guideline on acquired brain injury and return to work in The Netherlands Birgit Donker-Cools
Questionable dementia evaluation: an emerging paradigm in social insurance medicine Paolo Prolo
Coordination between a specialized rehabilitation hospital and a local network of services for brain-injured persons Paolo Boldrini

PARALLEL SESSION : Cost and quality of health care Chairs: A. Bahemann, F. Cattani

What is cost? Different perspectives and values in Hungary Melinda Medgyaszai
The risk management by benchmarking prescribing practices. A methodological approach for an ethical and consensual regulation of health expenditure Jean Olivet
Cost variability of dental treatment granted by INAIL Vilma Pinchi
A structural approach by social insurers towards highquality second opinions: Second-O as a case study Frank De Smet
Assessment of medical methods – implications of the German Care Structures Act Matthias Dettloff
Quality assurance: adequate indicators for adequate indications Johannes P. Giehl
Quality of care of HIP replacement in Belgium: role of social health insurers Michaël Callens

PARALLEL SESSION : Work related diseases and injuries I Chairs: A. Kaukiainen, P. Ricci

Towards European workers’ health protection: the standardization of statistical data Pietrantonio Ricci
Occupational health and safety for seafarers: towards European culture of maritime medicine Carlo De Rosa
The insurance protection of work-related diseases Cristiana Brambilla
Therapeutic management of the injured or sick worker between the National Health Service and INAIL Floria Bertolini

PARALLEL SESSION : Management of return to work I Chairs: M. Topcha, G. Guerra

Prognostic factors for the work participation of sicklisted unemployed and temporary agency workers with psychological problems Selwin Audhoe
Return to work strategies in Germany and rehabilitation international Friedrich Mehrhoff
The effectiveness of insurance based return to work coordination: a metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials Stefan Schandelmaier
Prevention of Occupational Disinsertion (PDP) Maurice Topcha
Predictors of work participation in cancer survivors: a systematic review Peter van Muijen
Managing disability: challenging an impossible return to work Daniela Bonetti

PARALLEL SESSION : Elderly care Chairs: J.E. Panke, C. Scorretti

Long Term Care. An unbearable burden or a chance? Carlo Scorretti
The degrees of dependence based on principles adl and icf from 1st January 2012 Libuŝe Ĉeledová
‘Ideal’ age Paul Stidolph
MILCEA – Monitoring in Long-Term Care – Pilot Project on Elder Abuse Nadine Schempp

PARALLEL SESSION : Disability assessment in the practice of social security II Chairs: H-W. Pfeifer, C. De Rosa

Difference of assessment of the disability level according to the context surrounding the evaluator: pension fund or court of justice François Grange
Disability in Romania: concept, assessment, reforms Corina Oancea
An implementation strategy to improve the guideline adherence of insurance physicians Feico Zwerver
Oncological diseases in Italy and Europe. Methodological approach to social security medicine and dimensions of this phenomenon Angelo Porrone
Evidence based medicine (EBM) and working disability assessment in neoplastic patients: our experience Leonardo Sammartano

PARALLEL SESSION : Work related diseases and injuries II Chairs: F. Mehrhoff, C. Ottaviani

Severe chronic respiratory diseases in French self employed trades and services: a cross sectional study Philippe Ha-Vinh
Towards a common assessment methodology for asbestos-related diseases in European countries: clinical and social insurance issues Carlo Ottaviani
The refund of sanitary expenses in prospective of an additional sustainable sanitation Lorenzo Polo
Accident at work: injuries, the experience in the INAIL surgeries in Turin Carla Corsi
Risk identification and analysis in social insurance’s medical practice: a cultural challenge against errors Alessia Comacchio

PARALLEL SESSION : Management of return to work II Chairs: H. Wind, M. Bottazzi

Stimulating clients with poor self-perceived health to participate in paid work Jolanda van Rijssen and Martijn Wijnhoven
The job insertion of disabled from industrial injury or disease Marco Bottazzi
Delayed return to work after surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome. A retrospective analysis Marc Du Bois
Disability and empowerment: the development of “best practices” in the reintegration into the job market Ilaria Giovannetti
Reintegration analysis after work injury in an Italian Southern countryside Giovanni Guerra
Economic evaluation of a participatory return-to-work intervention for sick workers without an employment contract Sylvia J. Vermeulen

PLENARY SESSION Chairs: J. Järvisalo, C. Dal Pozzo

The need for cooperation between physicians in social insurance and the health services Søren Brage
Healthy worker in healthy workplace: what instruments for the occupational medicine physician? Pietro Apostoli